Thursdays in Black believes that there is a problem with sexual violence* in our communities, but that a different reality is possible.
We maintain that sexual violence is a social problem created by historical structures such as colonisation, homophobia, white supremacy, patriarchy, and ableism, and is fostered by negative attitudes about gender, sexuality, relationships, and power. However sexual violence is not inevitable, by working together to create comprehensive education about healthy relationships and what constitutes sexual violence, enhancing a culture that believes and supports victim/suvivors, campaigning for a more equitable society, promoting an intersectional understanding of sexual violence and its relationship to other social issues, and creating a community which works together for a common goal - we can end sexual violence. Thursdays in Black actively pursues these goals for the health and wellbeing of the student community, and the wider society on the whole.
We believe that the best way to fix problems like sexual violence is to a) see them, b) acknowledge them, c) understand them, and then d) address them. Students and staff have the right to feel safe, supported and encouraged when speaking up about sexual violence, and this right needs to be exercised without fear of censorship or repercussions from their institution. When we foster a campus community and peer climate where sexual violence is not tolerated, harmful sexual attitudes and behaviours are pro-actively prevented and, when they occur, are responded to with a restorative, rehabilitative approach, we can move towards a world that is free from rape and violence.
We believe that although there is a gendered pattern to violence, anyone can be a victim/survivor. We acknowledge that the nature and prevalence of sexual violence changes for different groups, and believe that change isn’t possible without ensuring our campaign is inclusive, intersectional, upholds Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and prioritises marginalised voices.
*Thursdays in Black defines sexual violence as any unwanted sexual behaviour, comments, images, messages, or harassment (including threats of behaviour) perpetrated by another person, regardless of their relationship to you e.g. stranger, friend, partner, tutor, lecturer or employer.